Monday, September 10, 2018


Hello friends
Many of you may have inquisition themselves several times that "Is there A God or Does God exist?".Our planet is habitat of so many diverse contemporary living beings.since from primordial era there has been a great tussle between the two groups one is "Atheist" and another one is "Theist".
Every group have their own logic and rationality behind their believes. There might be a sole almighty not that one whom we pray in our day to day life on .Being an atheist i totally believe we have created an effigy of GOD just for our own benefits, despite the human disbelief GOD purpose will prevail.If the definition of GOD is a maximally great being that is maximally powerful, good, loving and just there would be no maximally good reason to create anything. That would degrade the perfection. It's all perfectly logical. The fact is, GOD was just a primitive uninformed answer for what ancient civilizations couldn't explain. It survives only because it is control for those in power over those who either wish to be controlled or are powerless to prevent it.No wonder that people still believe in an imaginary friend from years ago it is just an insult to human intellect. There is no proof of GOD therefore he doesn't exist until further information proves otherwise.
Above expressed are my personal views about GOD others may have their different opinion regarding this.

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